I saw an old pal from high school and Hilary and I had lots of fun!
A great time to add to the memories!
This month, I am approaching my 38th Birthday and my 20 yr high school reunion is around the corner! Where did the time fly???? Well.......as Jon Bon Jovi sings.......it's not old just older! Speaking of older..............
I am seeking more knowledge & wisdom A great friend of mine (Suzi) gave me a great book called "Emotional Intelligence". It is a must read! By Daniel Goleman.

And... as I am getting older....the more need to watch health and keep fit! But.......Muddy's Bake Shop just opened and WOW~ yummy cupcakes!
check this out too! http://muddysbakeshop.com/
Well......time to watch what I TIVO'd and catch some zzzzz's.............
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