The picture says it all!
From the day they were born, giving kisses and hugs, witnessing their first words and first steps, making cookies and meals together, car pools, crafts, play dates, watching them run around at the park, wiping snotty noses, being room mom, never sleeping because staying up late to watch over them while they are sick, dancing in our PJ's together, laughing, singing silly songs in the car, having them sneak into my bed and getting kicked all night, teaching them to ride a bike, brush their teeth, tie their shoes, comb their hair, kissing boo boos, calming their fears, kid yoga, jamin' on the piano and guitar, watching play sports, playing soccor, football, basketball and hide and seek, happiness, just seeing their faces when they see what Santa put under the Christmas Tree!
The greatest gift ever is being a MOM!
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